Downloads & Links
All Schools
TAS Message to Families on Israel-Gaza Conflict 10.12.2023
Board Resolution Affirming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 10_25_2023
Board Resolution Affirming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 10_25_2023_Español
TAS Statement to Community on Racism English/Spanish 4.15.2024
TAS Statement on Peaceful Protests 1.30.2023
Order of Contact for Parent Concerns 2023-24 ACES, TAS, WAHS
TAS Statement on 1.6.2021 v.2_Spanish
The Accelerated Schools vaccination policy – COVID-19
LAUSD Dec 14th Vaccine Requirement
TAS Statement on Protests 6.1.2020
Letter to Families COVID-19 School Closure Update 4.3.20
Corona Virus Letter
Parent Townhall Meeting-Strategies for Supporting Your Child At Home
ELAC Meeting Agenda 5.6.21
ELAC Meeting Agenda ENG & SPN 3.11.21
Title 1 Annual Parent Townhall Meeting-English 2021-22
Title 1 Annual Parent Townhall Meeting-Spanish 2021-22
School Facility Improvements
Raptor Screening Letter
PowerSchool Login
Clever Login
Parent-Student Handbook 2023-24 English
Parent-Student Handbook 2023-24 Español
CDE Community-Based Anti-Discrimination Organization Resources
2024-2025 TAS DELAC Meeting Agenda 01.23.25
2024-2025 TAS ELAC Agenda 10-04-24 .docx
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 06_20_24- update.docx
8th Grade Student/Parent Culmination Mtg.
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 05.02.24
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 4.18.24
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 2.01.24
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 1.11.24
2023-2024 TAS ELAC Agenda 12.7.23
8th grade parent mandatory meeting #2
22-23 TAS ELPAC Parent Reclassification Meeting
Updated 2022-2023 TAS ELAC-DELAC Agenda 4-27-23 translated(1)
EOY 8th grade Parent Culmination Powerpoint_1
2022-2023 TAS ELAC-DELAC Agenda 11-17-22
8th Grade Student/Parent Culmination Meeting 10/18/22
2022-2023 TAS ELAC Agenda 9-15-2022
2021-2022 TAS ELAC Agenda 7-28-2022
2021-2022 TAS ELAC Agenda 6-23-2022 (1)
2021-2022 TAS ELAC Agenda 4-21-2022
2021-2022 TAS ELAC Agenda 3-10-22
TAS TK & Kinder Parent Meeting 7.27.21
Welcome Returning 7th & 8th Grade Students Parent Meeting 7.21.21
Welcome Incoming 6th & 7th Grade Students Parent Meeting 7.21.21
TAS 1st Grade Parent Information on Assessments
TAS Elementary Town Hall Meeting: 7/30/2020
TAS Middle School Town Hall Meeting: 7/29/2020
After School Programs
Application forms for students enrolling in all after school programs can be picked up from the main office at each school.
ACES offers an After School Education & Safety program (ASES) for K-6 grade students 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., Monday and 3 p.m. – 6 p.m., Thursday – Friday. This program supports students with homework assistance and activities to complement the schools’ academic day program. Students have a choice of electives based on their interests and the program also strives to build student leadership through enrichment activities. Various activities include arts & crafts, science, sports, dance and music enrichment. The ASES program offers extended learning opportunities and collaborates with local community-based organizations whenever possible.

Serving grades K-6
TAS students may participate in a safe, engaging and free after-school program KTAP. Along with a nutritious snack and homework assistance, students can explore:
- Homework support
- Visual & Performing arts
- Music
- Sports
- Nutrition
- And much more!
Applications available in the TAS main office.

Students receive free tutoring and homework assistance as well as opportunities to participate in a variety of clubs which vary year to year depending on student interest.
This program is made available through a partnership with Think Together to support student success.
More information available in the TAS main office.

WAHS students may participate in a range of extracurricular sports and activities offered in partnership with Think Together. These include:
- Intramural Sports (softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball)
- Clubs
- Academic support
Applications available in the WAHS main office.

Health & Nutrition
Find information about lunch menus, free and reduced-price meals, and more!